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Financial market- classification

Financial market:
There are two types of financial markets as follows:
1. Money market- i.e, Bank, NBFI, primary dealer.
2. Capital market- i.e, Investment bank, stock exchange, credit rating agency.

Security & Exchange commission:
1. Stock exchange
2. Stock dealer and brocker
3. Merchant bank
4. Asset management company
5. Credit rating agency

Financial instruments:
Money market:
1. Treasury bill
2. Commercial paper
3. Negotiable certificate
4. Bank acceptance

Capital market:
1. Bonds
2. Stocks
3. Govt. security
4. Debentures

Agent banking:
1. It's a commission basis business.
2. Main purpose is the financial inclusion of mass people from underdeveloped areas.
3. It's a part of government financial innovations.

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