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History Of Unilever

1. Unilever is an British-Dutch multinational consumer goods company, headquartered in London, United Kingdom and Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Unilever products include food, candy, energy drinks, baby food, soft drinks, ice cream, tea, cleaning agent, coffee, pet food, bottled water, chewing gum, frozen pizza, pregnancy tests, juice, beauty products, personal care, breakfast cereals, medicine and pharmaceutical health products. Unilever is the largest producer of soap in the world. Unilever is one of the oldest multinational companies and its product are available in around 190 countries.

2. Unilever owns over 400 bands, with a turnover in 2017 of 53.7 billion euros, and thirteen brands with sales of over one billion euros. Axe/Lynx, Dove, Omo, Heart-brand ice creams, Hellman's, Knorr, Lipton, Lux, Magnum, Rexona/Degree, Sunsilk and Surf. It is a dual-listed company consisting of Unilever N.V., based in Rotterdam, and Unilever plc, based in London. Unilever is organised into four divisions-Foods, Refreshment (beverages and ice cream), Home care, and Beauty and personal care. It has research and development facilities in China, India, the Netherlands, United kingdom and United States.

3. Unilever was found on 2 September 1929, by the merger of the Dutch margarine producer margarine Unie and the British soap-maker Lever Brothers. During the second half of the 20th century, the company increasingly diversified from a being maker of products made of oils and fats, and expanded its operation worldwide.

4. Unilever plc has a primary listing on the London stock exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. Unilever N.V. has a primary listing on Euro-next Amsterdam and is a constituent of the AFX index. The company is also a component pf the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index. Unilever N.V. also has a primary listing in NYSE

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